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www.OxfordPropertyBlog.co.uk is hosting a Landlord seminar

On 2 March 2017, we will host a seminar featuring expert speakers from Martin & Co, Hedges Law, Critchleys Chartered Accountants and...

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Oxford Landlord Seminar reminder!

Dear Landlords,

A polite reminder!

As many of you know we are holding a Landlord Seminar at The Oxford Spires Hotel, Abingdon Road on 2nd March.  The seminar will start at 6pm and run through to 7.30pm.  The purpose of the session is to help you to understand the changes that will be made to the way mortgage interest payments can be claimed by landlords, how the new rules will be phased in from 5 April 2017 and to consider some practical steps that you might want to consider to off-set the effect of the new rules.

Gerry Jackson of Oxford Chartered Accountants Critchley’s will outline the changes that are scheduled, and will bring to life the way the changes will impact landlords in 2017 and then progressively through to 2020.  Carl Selby of Oxford Solicitors Hedges Law will outline the pros and cons for landlords of moving to a corporate structure – either a limited company or partnership, and Gerry will discuss the implications of these structures in terms of stamp duty land tax (SDLT) and capital gains tax (CGT).  This 40 minute session will give you an appreciation of the planned changes, and will help you to consider whether there are any practical steps you can take to plan effectively.

After a break for coffee, Ollie Sills of UK leading Mortgage Broker London & Country will discuss the merits of re-mortgaging in 2017 and how mortgage funding might be affected by a move to a corporate structure.  Ollie will outline the mortgage assessment changes that many lenders have already implemented and how they might affect your application for new funding.

Finally, there will be an opportunity to ask the experts any questions you might have before we wrap-up and close at 7.30pm.

I am delighted if you have already confirmed your attendance with us, however if you would like to book in for this event, please email oxford@martinco.com to reserve your place, however spaces are now limited so please confirm quickly!

Kind regards,


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