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www.OxfordPropertyBlog.co.uk is hosting a Landlord seminar

On 2 March 2017, we will host a seminar featuring expert speakers from Martin & Co, Hedges Law, Critchleys Chartered Accountants and...

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Landlord Seminar - Inheritance Tax Planning for Property Investors

1st June 2017 at 6pm to 7.30pm at The Oxford Spires Hotel

In association with Martin & Co, Oxford & Twomey Wealth Management

Oxford’s landlords own valuable, appreciating assets.  Day to day, the focus is on maximising the income generated from those assets by optimising rental yield and minimising periods of void.  Most landlords expect to retain the ownership of their properties, seeing their appreciating value as an integral part of their plans for retirement, and part of the legacy that they will leave for their children and grandchildren.  In virtually all cases the value of their assets exceed £500,000 in many it exceeds £5m.

I can’t think of any other investment to which so little consideration is given to optimising the investment for tax particularly inheritance tax.  Most people don’t think there is anything that can be done now to better look after future generations, but the truth is that there are some easy, sensible and inexpensive actions that can and should be taken – all it takes is for someone to explain them!

And, that someone is Andrew Twomey, whose business Twomey Wealth Management, is part of St James’ Place Wealth Management partner practice.  Educated in the UK and in Australia, Andrew works with clients in London, Oxford and the Cotswolds to assist them to build, grow, protect and preserve their wealth.  Happily for us, he also has a really great way of explaining things in a simple and action orientated way.

So, if you own one or more properties in Oxford or elsewhere, and you have an inkling there might be more you could do to get your affairs in order -  please come along.  We start at 6pm and will run to 7.30pm, at the Oxford Spires Hotel on the Abingdon Road in Oxford.  Numbers are limited so please email me on info@OxfordPropertyBlog.co.uk to reserve your place.

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