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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Oxford rent rises predicted after brief lull

Rents in Oxford for new tenancies fell by 0.4% in the last 12 months (i.e. not existing tenants experiencing rental increases from their existing landlord). When we compare that current rate with the historical rental inflation in Oxford, an interesting pattern emerges:

·       2016 - Rental Inflation in Oxford was 5.1%

·       2015 - Rental Inflation in Oxford was 9.4%

·       2014 - Rental Inflation in Oxford was 3.2%

The reason behind this change depends on which side of the demand/supply equation you are looking from. On the demand side (from the tenants point of view) there is the uncertainty of Brexit and the fact that salaries are not keeping up with inflation for the first time in three years. Critically, this means tenants have less disposable income to pay their rent. As an aside, it is interesting to note that nationally, rent accounts for 29% of a tenant’s take home pay (Denton House).

On the supply side of the equation (landlords point of view) Brexit also creates uncertainty. However, the biggest issue was a massive upsurge of new rental properties coming on to the market in late 2016, caused by George Osborne’s new 3% stamp duty tax for landlords in the first part of 2016. This meant a lot of new rental properties were ‘dropped’ on to the rental market all at the same time. The greater choice of rental properties for tenants curtailed rental growth/inflation. A slight softening of Oxford property prices has compounded this.  Figures from The Bank of England suggested that first time buyers rose over the last 12 months as some were more inclined to buy instead of rent. Together, these factors played a part in the ongoing moderation of rental growth.

The lead up to the General Election in May didn’t help: after all people don’t like doubt and uncertainty.  Whether it be ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ Brexit negotiations (and with the Election result the Tories might have to be ‘softer’ on those negotiations) the simple fact is, we aren’t building enough properties for us to live in. Both in Oxford, the South East and the wider UK, long-term population trends imply that rents will soon once again be growing faster than inflation again. Look at the projections by the Office of National Statistics.

Tenants will still require a vibrant and growing rental sector to deliver them housing options in a timely manner. As the population grows in Oxford, any restriction to the supply of rental properties (brought about by poor returns for landlords) cannot be in the long-term best interest of tenants. Simply put, rents must go up!  But, with rents already accounting for 29% of a tenants’ disposable income, the ability for most tenants to absorb a rent increase does exist.  It is for this reason, that I believe Government policy which is increasing costs for landlords (removal of mortgage interest rate relief; stamp duty surcharge; and, ban on fees charged to tenants) is short-sighted and poorly considered.

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