The average house
price in Oxford is 12.87 times the average annual Oxford salary. This is higher
than the last peak of 2008, when the ratio was 9.61. Several City commentators
anticipated that in the ambiguity that trailed the Brexit vote, UK (and hence Oxford)
property prices might drop like a stone. The point is - they haven’t!
Now it’s true the
market for Oxford’s swankiest and poshest properties looks a little fragile (although
they are selling if they are realistically priced) and overall, Oxford property
price growth has slowed, but the lower to middle Oxford property market appears
to remain quite strong.
under the surface though, and a different long-term picture is emerging away
from what is happening to property prices. Oxford people are moving home less often
than they once did. Data from the Office of National Statistics shows that the
number of properties sold in 2016 is lower than it was in the Noughties and
lower than I has been over the last 8 years.
We are mirroring the post credit crunch (2008 and 2009) low levels of
property sales, and the torpor of the Oxford housing market following the Brexit
vote has seen the number of property sales in Oxford and the surrounding local
authority area level off. It is too
early to tell if this will be a new trend.
It was the 1980’s that saw the highest levels of people moving home. Nationally,
everyone was moving on average every decade. Even though it was during the Labour
administration of the late 1970’s where the right to buy one’s council house
started, it was the Housing Act of 1980 that that really got council tenants
moving, as Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government financially encouraged council
tenants to buy their council-rented homes.
Looking at the property sales figures in the Oxford area since 2010/11, what
has caused the reduced activity which has been mirrored nationally? The reasons
behind this are complex, but a good place to start is the growth rate of real
UK household disposable income, which has fallen from 5.01% a year in 2000 to 1.68%
in 2016. Also, things have deteriorated since the country voted to leave the EU
as consumer price inflation has risen to 2.7% per annum, meaning inflation has
eaten away at the real value of wages.
With meagre real income growth, it has become more difficult for
homeowners to accumulate the savings needed to climb up the housing ladder as nationally,
the level of savings has also dropped from 4.26% of household income to -1.11%
(i.e. people are eating into their
Next week I will be discussing how these issues have led to a slump in
the number of Oxford people moving home with house owners moving just once
every 18 years.
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